nvidia-smi screenshot
  • GitHub
  • PyTorch
  • Kubernetes
  • Ubuntu
  • Jenkins
  • Docker

I am a Machine Learning Engineer
I Develop & Deploy Automated Machine Learning solutions for Humans

This Website is the union of the technologies I know to serve something useful.

All the complexities are buried, and only relevant parts are exposed in simple language so it can be fully used by a very distracted 21st-century individual.

The code for this website can be cloned using:

git clone https://github.com/abhinavt0681/dispersedConnectioned

The website is built using Django. Each application is its own Dockerized microservice, communicating with the website using FastAPI.

Each Machine Learning/Deep Learning application was trained by me, on my little laptop.

My Deep Learning stack includes:
• CUDA 12.5
• PyTorch
• NVidia RTX 3070 8 GiB
• PopOS! Based on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
• Anaconda

My MlOps/DevOps/CI/CD Stalk Includes:
• Jenkins
• Docker
• Kubernetes
• FastAPI
• Git

My Name is Abhinav Tyagi, Friends call me Alex(ander)

I'm a machine Learning engineer that still dreams in C++

But now drunk on a Pytonic solution called PyTorch.

Website Structure

A small bird's eye view of this website and its interaction with its microservices. The website is deployed on DigitalOcean Droplet right now (like AWS EC2).

PS: I made this illustration too. :-)

Connect with me!

Abhinav Tyagi
683C, Parker Street, Boston 02120 MA